Share your location with family and friends, keeping them informed of your adventures
Weather Forecasts over Satellite
Get up to date weather forecasts over satellite on your iPhone
Satellite Communication
Use your iPhone's built-in satellite capabilities to stay connected anywhere
Works Offline
No cell service? No problem. TerraLog works where traditional networks don't reach
How It Works
- 1Download TerraLog on your iPhone
- 2
Share your map with friends and family to follow along
- 3Start your adventure
- 4Share messages over satellite (even without cell service)
- 5Your location will be automatically tagged and be visible your contacts

Weather Forecasts
Get up to date weather forecasts over satellite on your iPhone

Why Choose TerraLog?
Cheaper & simpler than the alternative
Similar capabilities to Garmin inReach, but at a fraction of the cost and with your existing iPhone
Adventure with Confidence
Explore remote areas knowing you can always reach out if needed
Battery Efficient
Optimized to use minimal battery power, ensuring long-lasting communication
Ready to Stay Connected?
TerraLog is in beta right now. Sign up to get help beta test and updates on progress.